Dog Licenses

Licensing Requirements

All dogs four (4) months of age or older must be licensed in Tehama County. Licensing is required by City & County Code, as well as CA State Law. Licensing is proof your dog is vaccinated against rabies, and assists with identifying lost dogs. If you chose not to spay or neuter your dog prior to four months of age, you still must license your dog to be in compliance. 

The above regulations apply to anyone owning, harboring, or possessing any dog four months of age or older. 

Licensing Fees

Altered Animals:                              Unaltered Animals:

1 year license:     $10                      1 year license:     $25

3 year license:     $25                      3 year license:     $60

Senior Discount (altered animals ONLY):

1 year license:     $8

3 year license:     $20


License applications and renewals can be submitted by mail to:

Tehama County Animal Services

P.O. Box 38

Red Bluff, CA 96080

Obtaining a Dog License

To license your dog, you must have proof that your dog has a current rabies vaccination. Dogs must be at least three months old before they can receive that vaccination. A valid rabies vaccination certificate is required in order to obtain a license. 

If purchasing a discounted license for an altered pet, you must submit proof of spay/neuter with your license application or renewal.

If you move in to Tehama County or obtain a new dog, the dog must be licensed within 30 days. Licenses are not transferable between owners or from other jurisdictions. 

Service Dog Designations

The Assistance Dog designation (also known as a service dog) in Tehama is in compliance with the US Department of Justice’s definition of Service Animals. The County defines an Assistance Dog as any dog individually trained to do work or perform tasks to meet requirements of a physically disabled person. Assistance Dogs are working animals, not pets. The work or task a dog has been trained to provide must be directly related to the person’s disability.

Please note that dogs whose sole function is to provide comfort or emotional support do not qualify as service animals under the American Disability Act (ADA), and Tehama County therefore does not designate or recognize these animals as such.

The Assistance Dog Verification can be obtained at the Tehama County Animal Care Center, 1830 Walnut St, Red Bluff, CA 96080.

Additional resources to help answer questions regarding Service Animals:


Connect With Us

Monday – Friday, 11:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Saturday – Sunday, 1:00 – 5:00 PM

1830 Walnut Street, Red Bluff CA 96080

(530) 527-3439


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