Public Hearing Notice: Notice of Community Development Block Grant Public Hearing


About Our County

Nestled in the northern Sacramento Valley, Tehama County lies approximately midway between Sacramento and the Oregon border. Starting in the snowy Sierras to the east (the highest point is 8,200 ft), the County unfolds onto rolling foothills, excellent range land, and spectacular, flat-topped buttes, and then sweeps down onto the fertile floor of the Sacramento River Valley (elevation at Red Bluff is 341 ft). Tehama County is a charter county with a board-administrator form of government whose Chief Administrator is selected by a five member Board of Supervisors, who are elected at large. Each Board member serves a four year term. The Board of Supervisors governs Tehama County and is responsible for establishing the county budget and for executing all ordinances, resolutions and other legal actions that fall within the jurisdiction of Tehama County. The County has an operating budget of approximately $223 million and 907 allocated positions.

Downtown Red Bluff Tehama County
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