Public Hearing Notice: Notice of Community Development Block Grant Public Hearing

Marriage Services


To obtain a marriage license, both the parties must appear together at the County Clerk & Recorder’s Office located at 633 Washington Street, Room 11, Red Bluff, Ca 96080.

      • The fee for a regular marriage license is $70.00.
      • The fee for a Confidential marriage license is $72.00.
      • County provided Witness Fee for Civil Ceremony $30.00
      • Both parties must be 18 years of age or older.
      • Each person must present one form of valid photo identification with proof of age. If either party has been granted a dissolution of marriage within 90 days of applying for a new marriage license, a copy of the final dissolution decree must be presented at the time of the issuance of the license.

Your marriage license is effective immediately and valid for 90 days after issuance and can be used anywhere within the State of California ONLY. After the ceremony, the person solemnizing the marriage must return the license to the County Recorder within 10 days. (Family Code 359)


County Clerk-Recorder Sean Houghtby is also the Commissioner of Civil Marriages. If you wish to have a civil ceremony performed by the Commissioner/Deputy, call 527-3350 to set an appointment. The fee for a marriage performed by the Commissioner is $53.00 (in addition to the license fee) and must be paid prior to the time of the marriage.


To request a certified copy of a marriage certificate, the marriage license must have been issued in Tehama County.

Please send the fully executed application with a notarized signature along with a check or money order for $17.00 to the Tehama County Recorder, P. O. Box 250, Red Bluff, CA 96080.


Click here to access the form to become a Deputy Marriage Commissioner for a Day

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