Public Hearing Notice: Notice of Community Development Block Grant Public Hearing


Passport applications can be processed by APPOINTMENT ONLY! Call (530) 527-8190 to schedule an appointment. You can pick up a blank passport application to take home and fill out between the hours of 8:00 a.m. – 12 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m., at the Elections Department at 633 Washington Street, Room 17, Red Bluff, CA 96080. You can pick up the application in advance and complete it up to but not including your signature. We encourage you to come prepared with a fully completed application and all additional documentation and payments needed for your application. For complete information about passports and forms visit the US State Department web site at



Proof of Citizenship

  • A certified copy of your birth certificate issued by the state or county. It must have a state or county seal. (HOSPITAL BIRTH CERTIFICATES ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE). An additional photo copy of your certified document must be submitted with your application
  • Or a Naturalization Certificate; An additional photo copy of your certificate must be submitted with your application


  • Current, valid, permanent Driver’s License or photo ID (an expired license or temporary permit is not acceptable).
  • Or Government Identification Card
  • Photograph – 2″x2″ with a light or off-white background.


  • Minors under the age of 16 do not have to sign but must appear with parents to apply. Both parents must appear and sign on their behalf and show identification as indicated above or present parental permission documentation.
  • Minors 16 years of age and older must be present to sign along with at least one parent or guardian or provide a notarized parental consent form. All parties must provide current, valid, permanent identification. (Driver’s License).
Adults (16 and over) BOOK: $130.00 payable to U.S. Department of State plus $35.00 payable to Tehama County (two separate checks) CARD: $30.00
Children (15 and under) BOOK: $100.00 payable to U.S. Department of State plus $35.00 payable to Tehama County (two separate checks) CARD: $15.00


EXPEDITED – If you need a passport before that time, after paying an expediting fee of $211.36 for adults and $181.36 for children under 16, you can receive a passport within 6 weeks. Please inquire with the Elections Department at 530-527-8190 for further information on the expedited service.

PASSPORT RENEWAL – If your passport has expired, and you were at least 16 years or older when it was issued and it has been expired less than 5 years, you can renew your passport by mail. You will need to get one new passport photograph to send with the Renewal application along with your old passport and the Passport Services fee given above. (You will not be paying the fee to the County of Tehama). Your old passport will be returned to you. You can download the form from the passport office given above, or request a form in the Elections Department.

If your name has changed due to marriage or court order, you must submit a certified marriage certificate or court order with your renewal application. 

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