Public Hearing Notice: Notice of Community Development Block Grant Public Hearing

Agency Information

Tehama County Solid Waste Management Agency (TCSWMA) – The TCSWMA is a joint powers authority (JPA) comprised of the County of Tehama and the cities of Red Bluff, Corning and Tehama.

Effective July 1, 2015, the Tehama County Sanitary Landfill Agency was consolidated into the Tehama County/Red Bluff Landfill Management Agency and renamed the Tehama County Solid Waste Management Agency (TCSWMA). Upon the consolidation of the two agencies, the TCSWMA assumed the duties of both the Tehama County/Red Bluff Landfill Management Agency and the Tehama County Sanitary Landfill Agency. The TCSWMA is managed by Rachel Ross-Donaldson, who reports to the Agency Board of Directors (members of the Tehama County Board of Supervisors, Red Bluff City Council, Corning City Council, Tehama City Council and one Public Member-At-Large Director). The TCSWMA holds monthly public meetings.

“The mission of the Tehama County Solid Waste Management Agency is to protect public health and the environment in the County of Tehama through integrated, cost effective, and environmentally sound solid waste management. The Agency strives to conserve natural resources, sustain the environment, and reduce solid waste being landfilled through innovative leadership and effective grant and outreach programs that foster a sense of responsibility and inspire action by Tehama County residents.”

TCSWMA oversees the daily operation of the Tehama County/Red Bluff Landfill and the facilities on site, including the Material Recovery Facility. TCSWMA contracted with Waste Connections for the operation of the Tehama County/Red Bluff Landfill and Material Recovery Facility. The current operations agreement began March 1, 2014 and will expire on February 8, 2024. TCSWMA is also responsible for maintaining permits and monitoring environmental compliance at the Landfill. TCSWMA also maintains a trust fund to pay for costs associated with landfill closure and postclosure maintenance activities.

TCSWMA oversees requirements of California Assembly Bill 939, which includes the 50% diversion required of all California jurisdictions. TCSWMA also applies for grants on behalf of member jurisdictions, including recent grants for used oil, household hazardous waste, waste tires and beverage container recycling

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