Staff Assignments
Coral Ferrin - Personnel Director
Contact Information: | 530-527-4183 Ext. 3020
- Department management
- Assistance with Personnel issues: MOUs, classification, compensation, personnel action, discipline, investigations, mediation, arbitration, compliance with employment laws, PERB
- County policies & strategic planning
- Employee Benefits
- Labor relations
- Agreements and Employment Contracts
- Negotiations
- Performance management
- Personnel Department projects and events
- Personnel Rules – drafts and advisory
- Presentations to the Board
- Risk Management
- Safety Officer
- Training Coordinator
- Public Records Act Requests
- Health Insurance Renewal and PRISM Health Insurance Committee Member
- Deferred Compensation Committee Member
Jenna Madrigal - Personnel Analyst II
Contact Information: | 530-527-4183 Ext. 3028
- Assistance with Personnel issues: MOUs, CalPERS, classification, compensation, personnel action
- Agenda Items
- Leave of Absence assistance
- County policies
- Deferred Compensation
- Employee Benefits
- Employment Contracts
- Master Salary Schedule
- Negotiations Team
- Personnel Allocation List
- Reclassifications and classification specification revisions
- New Employee Orientation
- Training presenter
- Personnel Department budget and ledgers
- Personnel Department projects and events
- Personnel Rules – drafts and advisory
- Application screening and assisting in interviews
- Salary surveys
Gina Warner - Personnel Analyst I
Contact Information: | 530-527-4183 Ext. 3019
- Assistance with Personnel issues: CalPERS, SDI, and Worker’s Compensation
- Ergonomic evaluations
- IAP Facilitation
- IIPP and Cal-OSHA compliance
- Liaison to PULSE & Agile
- New Employee Orientation
- Personnel Department projects and events
- Personnel Rules advisory
- Risk Management
- Safety Committee Leader & Training Coordination
- Training presenter
- Vendor Contracts
- Retirement Assistance
- Industrial Disability Retirement
- Safety representative for Personnel Office
Taylor Smith - Personnel Analyst I
Contact Information: | 530-527-4183 Ext. 3010
- Assistance with Personnel issues: MOUs, CalPERS, classification, compensation, personnel action
- Agenda Items
- DOT Drug testing
- Leave of Absence assistance
- County policies
- Deferred Compensation
- Employee Benefits
- Employment Contracts
- Negotiations Team
- Reclassifications and classifications specification revisions
- New Employee Orientation
- Training Presenter
- Personnel Department projects and events
- Personnel Rules – drafts and advisory
- Administrator Reduced Time to Hire Program
- Application screening and assisting with interviews
- Neogov Support
Sabrina Walker - Personnel Technician
Contact Information: | 530-527-4183 Ext. 3012
- Assistance with Personnel issues
- Bilingual testing
- California Public Records Act compliance and employee redaction
- CalPERS and insurance entry and termination
- Insurance packets and information
- New hire process and packets
- Personnel Action Forms processing
- Personnel Department projects and events
- Recordkeeping & personnel files
- Training communication, registration, & setup
- E-Verify – verification of employment and work eligibility
Sarah Ramirez - Personnel Technician
Contact Information: | 530-527-4183 Ext. 3030
- Front office reception, phones, mail
- Assistance with Personnel issues
- Bilingual testing
- Agenda Items
- Job flyers, job postings, and Neogov Support
- Recruitment Assistance
- Leaves of Absence Tracking
- New hire process and packets
- Personnel Action Forms processing
- Personnel Department projects and events
- Vacation-in-Lieu
- Tracking Department Head Contracts
- Catastrophic Leave requests
- DMV Confidentiality
- Employee evaluation review
- Personnel Office payroll
- Unemployment processing
- Identification cards for Disaster Service Workers