Public Hearing Notice: Notice of Community Development Block Grant Public Hearing

Public Guardian-Administrator

The Public Guardian/Public Administrator Team is comprised of 6 high-energy, compassionate professionals from various disciplines, 3 have been deputized to work on the Public Guardian/Public Administrator’s behalf to protect elderly and disabled citizens at risk of abuse and neglect by safeguarding their assets, providing for their personal care and providing expert administration of decedent and conservatorship estates.

Melani Rodrigue, Public Guardian-Administrator

Public Administrator Program

The Public Administrator is responsible for administering the estate of a Tehama county resident who dies without a will or family in California. Estate administration may include marshaling all assets, selling real or personal property, performing heir searches, and overseeing the distribution of the estate. The activities are supervised by the superior court. The Public Administrator may also supervise the county’s indigent burial program.

California Probate Code §7600 et. Seq. describes the powers and responsibilities of the Tehama County Public Administrator.

There are a variety of ways that the Public Administrator is notified of estates that require administration. The Coroner’s Office, Public Guardians Office, other public employees, hospitals and concerned citizens notify the Public Administrator when there has been a death and there is no known next of kin. When the Public Administrator becomes aware of an estate that needs administration, he/she has the responsibility of attempting to locate a will, the next of kin and protect all assets of an estate.

Indigent Cremation 

Indigent Form:

Below is the link to a packet of information that will need to be completely filled out prior then reviewed by the Sheriff-Coroner’s Office. Please take time to review the entire packet. If you have any questions, the Coroner’s office staff will be glad to assist you. You can call 530-527-1130 Monday through Friday 8:00 am to 5:00 pm.

For more information contact the Tehama County Sheriff’s Office

Public Guardian-Public Administrator

pdf small Application for Indigent Cremation

Contact Us

Tehama County Public Guardian/Public Administrator

Melani Rodrigue, Director

20639 Walnut Street
Red Bluff, CA 96080 
(530) 527-5634 phone

Fax (530) 527-9573
Office Hours – 8 a.m. – noon & 1 p.m. – 5 p.m.
Monday through Friday

Client check pick up times:

10 a.m. to noon & 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.

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