Public Hearing Notice: Notice of Community Development Block Grant Public Hearing

Tehama County Fish & Game Commission


The Tehama County Fish & Game Commission was established by Resolution No. 24-1998 as approved by the Tehama County Board of Supervisors on February 24, 1998.  The Commission is composed of seven members appointed by the Board of Supervisors, with one member representing each of the five supervisorial districts, by nomination from that district’s supervisor.  The Commissioner is not required to reside within the nominating Supervisor’s district, but must reside in Tehama County.  Two Commissioners are appointed as “at large” members to better ensure full interest and expertise within the diverse areas of management of California’s Department of Fish and Wildlife.


The Commissioners serve three-year, staggered terms.  Qualifications for serving include interest and/or knowledge in Tehama County’s diverse fish, wildlife and plant resources and the habitats upon which they depend, the ecological values of these resources and their use and enjoyment by the public; the wisest and best use in the disbursement of Tehama County’s fish and wildlife propagation funds to promote and advance fish and wildlife management within the County.


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