Public Hearing Notice: Notice of Community Development Block Grant Public Hearing


Merrill’s Landing Restoration Project

The riparian habitat at Merrill’s Landing had become overgrown with non-native plants that reduced the value of this property for wildlife. These plants were removed with heavy equipment and then the area was reseeded with native plants.

Warden Carlson explains the restoration process at Merrill’s Landing

Merrill’s Landing Project – Native Plant Recovery

Merrill’s Landing – Federal/State managed to retain river riparian habitat for the benefit of all wildlife species.

Wildlife viewing draws numerous visitors to Merrill’s Landing.  American White Pelicans are occasionally seen.  Feeding mainly on fish and crustaceans, pelicans have the unusual ability to hold more food in their bill pouches than in their stomachs.

Trout in the Classroom

Four aquariums were purchased and placed at Tehama County schools, Evergreen, Antelope, Lassen View, and Kirkwood. Steelhead eggs from Coleman Hatchery were placed in the aquariums for the students to observe the hatching and growth of the young steelhead. When the steelhead outgrew the aquariums they were placed in the Sacramento River to begin their journey to the ocean. This program is designed as an educational tool for teachers to give students a hands-on learning experience for obtaining knowledge about native fish and the habitats needed for them to survive.

Pheasant Hunt for Juniors and Women

These hunts held at the Bend Wildlife Area through a partnership with the BLM, CDF&W, and the Shasta County sportsman’s Association are for juniors and women to have a chance to harvest planted pheasants. This is a popular event for introducing new hunters to the sport.

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