Public Hearing Notice: Notice of Community Development Block Grant Public Hearing

Treasurer/Tax Collector

Welcome to the Tehama County Treasurer-Tax Collector’s website. My staff and I have worked hard to provide you with online services that provide useful information about our office and our fiduciary obligation to safe-keep the County’s financial resources. Our goal is to provide you with the information and easy access to make an online tax payment, obtain your personal tax information or to provide you with a better understanding of what services we provide. Please contact our office if you have questions or need additional information.

Parker R. Hunt, Treasurer-Tax Collector









Tax sale


General Information About Your Taxes


Tax bills will be mailed by November 1. If you did not receive your bill please print a duplicate from the website or contact our office to obtain a copy and ensure your mailing address is correct.

Remember, failure to receive a tax bill does not relieve the responsibility for payment, nor does it constitute any cause for cancellation of penalty, interest or cost charges.

Dates to Remember

Nov. 1st

First Installment Secured Tax Bill is due

Tax bills are mailed no later than November 1st and are due and payable at that time.

Dec. 10th

First Installment Delinquent Date

Secured tax bills must be received or postmarked by December 10th.  A 10% penalty is applied to all tax bills unpaid as of December 10th.

Feb. 1st

Second Installment Secured Tax Bill is due

The second installment of your secured tax bill is due and payable on February 1st.  If you choose to pay in two installments, use the tax bill you received in October.  We do not send reminder notices for the second installment.

Apr. 10th

Second Installment Delinquent Date

The second installment of your secured tax bill must be received or postmarked by April 10th to be considered timely.  A 10% penalty and cost charge is applied to all tax bills unpaid as of April 10th.


When the delinquent date falls on a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday, the time of delinquency is the next business day. All payments must be postmarked on or before the delinquent date to be considered timely. Tax payments made by credit card or EFT will be processed as of the transaction date of the payment. The website will reflect that your payment was made immediately upon payment.


Tax Payer Rights:

If you disagree with the valuation placed on your property, you may take the matter up with the Assessor (530 527-5931) to see if that office will change the valuation. Additionally, the Board of Supervisors has established an Assessment Appeals Board for the purpose of resolving valuation problems. Appeals on regular assessments must be filed each year between July 2 and November 30 (valuation information is available July 1 at the Assessor’s Office). Appeals on corrected assessments, escaped assessments (assessments that did not take place when they should have), or supplemental assessments must be filed no later than 60 days from the mailing date of the corrected, escaped, or supplemental tax bill.

If you choose to appeal your assessment, you should still pay your tax installments in full by the appropriate deadlines; otherwise, you may incur penalties while the case is in appeals. If your appeal is granted, a refund will be issued to you.

Appeals applications and further information about the appeals process can be obtained by calling (530) 527-5931 or writing to the Clerk of the Board of Equalization’s Office at 633 Washington Street, Room 12, County Courthouse. You can also receive the application by mail at PO Box 250, Red Bluff, CA 96080.


New Owner Information:

As a new owner, you are responsible for any taxes that were not paid as of the time escrow closed. Even though taxes are prorated between the buyer and seller during escrow and proper credit is given to each, the actual taxes may not have been paid to the Tax Collector by that time. You should read your escrow papers and/or title report to determine if any portion of the annual taxes were paid by the previous owner before the close of escrow.

Annual tax bills, which can be paid in two installments, are mailed once a year by November 1. Since the bill contains payment stubs for both installments, this is the only bill regularly mailed each year by the Tax Collector. Depending on when the ownership change is placed on the tax roll, the annual tax bill could be sent either to the previous owner or directly to you. If there are any remaining unpaid taxes, and if you did not receive an annual tax bill from either the previous owner or the Tax Collector, you should contact the Tax Collector immediately and request one. It is your responsibility to obtain the bill. State law stipulates that failure to receive a bill does not permit the Tax Collector to excuse penalties on late payments.

In addition to annual taxes, you will probably be responsible for paying Supplemental Property Taxes. Any time property is sold or improved, the value of the property is reassessed. If the property has been reassessed at a higher value, you will receive one or more supplemental tax bills in addition to the annual bill mentioned above. If the property has been reassessed at a lower value, you will receive a refund.


Property Tax Information:

Secured Property Tax (homes, real estate, commercial property, etc.)
• Bills mailed by November 1st.
• 1st installment is due November 1st and a late penalty of 10% attaches if payment is made after December 10th
• 2nd installment is due February 1st and a late penalty of 10% and a $25.00 cost fee attaches if payment is made after April 10th.

A copy of your tax bill is available online. Please contact our office to obtain a copy of your tax bill if you are not able to print one online. Failure to receive a tax bill does not provide a basis for excusing penalties. If you purchased real property in Tehama County in the last 6 months, please check your taxes to make sure that your payment is current.

If you elect to pay your installments separately, you must retain your original bill to submit with the 2nd installment payment. Our office will not send a reminder notice for the 2nd installment.

Unsecured Property Tax (business equipment, boats, etc.)
• Bills mailed in July.
• One installment is due when billed and a late penalty of 10% and a $25 cost fee attaches if payment is made after August 31st.
• Additional penalties of 1.5% per month and additional fees attach after October 31 if the taxes remain unpaid.

Supplemental Property Tax (reappraisal due to new construction or change of ownership).
• Bills mailed throughout the year.
• Due dates vary and are based on the billing date.

Due Dates – Understanding Postmarks

Postmarks are imprints on letters, flats, and parcels that show the name of the United States Postal Service (USPS) office that accepted custody of the mail, along with the state, the zip code, and the date of mailing. The postmark is generally applied, either by machine or by hand, with cancellation bars to indicate that the postage cannot be reused.

Property tax payments must be received or postmarked by the delinquency date to avoid penalties. If a payment is received after the delinquency date, with no postmark, the payment is considered late and penalties will be imposed, in accordance with State law. The 1st installment will be imposed a 10% penalty and the 2nd installment will be imposed a 10% penalty and a $25 cost. For example, if the amount due for the 1st installment is $2,000, a 10% penalty of $200 will be imposed. If the amount due for the 2nd installment is $2,000, a 10% penalty of $200 and a $25 cost (total $225) will be imposed.

Taxpayers who send their payments by mail are cautioned that the USPS only postmarks certain mail depending on the type of postage used, and may not postmark mail on the same day deposited by a taxpayer. If sending payment close to the due date we recommend taking the payment inside the Post Office to make sure it is postmarked timely.

Postage that IS postmarked

  • Standard Postage Stamps: Stamps purchased and affixed to mail as evidence of the payment of postage.


Postage that IS NOT postmarked 

If you use these types of postage, the USPS will NOT postmark your mail. You will be charged a 10% penalty and a $25 cost, if applicable, if we do not receive your mailed payment by the delinquency date. Avoid penalties, allow adequate time for your payment to reach the Tax Collector before the delinquency date.

  • Metered Mail: Mail on which postage is printed directly on an envelope or label by a postage machine licensed by the USPS.
  • Many private companies use these types of postage machines.
  • Pre-Canceled Stamp: Stamps sold through a private vendor, such as®.
  • Automated Postal Center (APC) Stamps: Stamps, with or without a date, purchased from machines located within a USPS lobby.
  • Permit Imprint: Pre-sorted mail used by bill pay services, such as online home banking.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is my tax rate?

The Tax Rate Schedule is available online. Generally speaking, the basic tax rate is 1% of the assessed value.

When are property taxes due?

The first installment of your property taxes is due November 1st and is delinquent after December 10th. A 10% penalty is added after that date. When the delinquent date falls on a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday, the time of delinquency is the next business day. Your second installment is due February 1st and is delinquent after April 10th. After April 10th an additional 10% plus $25.00 is added to your second installment. After June 30th unpaid property taxes will incur additional penalties. If you have questions regarding the assessed value of your property, please contact the Tehama County Assessor’s office at (530) 527-5931.

What should I do if I don’t receive a tax bill?

Obtain a copy of your bill online or contact the tax collector’s office and we will send you a duplicate bill.

Frequently, a new property owner’s regular tax bill is sent to the previous owner because the Tax Collector’s Office is unaware the property has been sold. Regardless of the reason, if you do not receive a tax bill by November 10th, print a copy online or contact this office at (530) 527-4535 or by email. Be sure to include your Fee Parcel Number and the address where you would like the bill mailed.

Where do I make my payment?

The best and simplest way to make your payment is online.  Payments may also be made by personal check postmarked, or otherwise received by the due date, or by cash at our office counter between 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM, 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM. If you are mailing your payment please send it to: Tehama County Tax Collector PO Box 769, Red Bluff, CA 96080. If you would like to come to the office to make your payments, we are located at: 444 Oak Street Room D, Red Bluff, CA 96080.

How can I obtain a receipt of payment?

When paying your tax bill online you will immediately receive a confirmation number and also a confirmation email.  If paying by check, your canceled check is your receipt.  If you prefer to have your tax bill stamped paid you can pay in person at our office between 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM, 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM.

How do I change the mailing address on my tax bill?

The Assessor is responsible for all property transfers and for address changes. Please complete the REQUEST FOR CHANGE OF ADDRESS FORM and send it to: Tehama County Assessor, PO Box 428, Red Bluff, CA 96080 (530) 527-5931, Fax (530) 529-4019.

What does Tax Defaulted mean?

Tax Defaulted means there is a delinquent tax against the property. We prepare an annual list of property which is “tax defaulted” at the end of the fiscal year (June 30th). This list is published in the Red Bluff Daily News on or about the first week in September of the following year and is posted on our website. If the “Tax Defaulted” notation is printed on your bill, it is an indication that the Tax Collector shows delinquent taxes for a prior year. Five years after the first year of delinquency, the property will be eligible for sale at public auction, and will be subsequently sold if the taxes are not paid.

When and where is the public auction of tax defaulted property?

The Tax Collector’s auction of tax-defaulted property is held on an as needed basis. The list of parcels scheduled for sale is available approximately 30 days before the scheduled sale and is posted on our website.

Contact Us


Tehama County Treasurer/Tax Collector

Parker R. Hunt

Parker R. Hunt

444 Oak Street – Room D
Red Bluff, CA 96080 
(P. O. Box 769, Red Bluff, CA 96080)

(530) 527-4535 phone email facebook
Office Hours – 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM, 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Monday through Friday


Department Staff


Contact Phone Area of Responsibility
Lorrie Brown (530) 527-4535 x3226 Assistant Treasurer/Tax Collector & Tax Sales
Debbie McDonald (530) 527-4535 x3225 Reporting, Reconciliations, Investment Accounting
Terri Parks (530) 527-5934 Treasury Operations
Christy Allen (530) 527-4535 x3227 Unsecured Collections, Mobile Home Tax Certificates
Pamela Rocha (530) 527-4535 x3221 General Tax Collection Assistance – Secured Collections


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